Book Review: The Senior Mindset
Software engineers are continuously improving in ways deep and shallow. The easiest things — surface knowledge like how to use git bisect or how to file an expense report — can be taught by straightforward practice or even by post-it notes. The hardest things — the assertiveness to say no, and the confidence to admit when you don't know — are foundational changes thought to require years of reinforcement.
Apparently though, there's a faster option: read Swizec Teller's The Senior Mindset. The Senior Mindset is a 300-page “raw and honest from the heart” treatise on the thoughts and habits of being a senior engineer. Alternatively, it's a 100-page collection of newsletters expanded with several flocks of embedded Tweets and a galactic amount of empty space.
Teller has come up a lot on my radar lately, and I've started reading his newsletter. I found them off-putting at first, particularly in the way they say my name and “my friend” constantly like someone who got his sales training from The Wolf of Wall Street. But after I got used to the style, they started to leave me smiling.
So I knew I'd get some enjoyment from his book, though my expectations were not high for learning much. How'd it turn out? Midway through, I found the one passage that exemplifies the entire book:
When your PM says “Send user a message at 9am”, she doesn't know to also ask:
- What happens in different timezones?
- What if our server is down at 9am?
- What if the messaging service is down?
- What if the database was corrupted?
- What if the cronjob runs at 9:01am?
- What if it runs at 8:54am?
- What if we have to send 1000 messages and that blows through our rate limit?
- What if sending 1 message out of 100 fails?
- What if we want to analyze sends later?
If your reaction to this list is to nod along, you'll probably love it. But if you think “Actually, I think [name of PM] could do 5/9 of these” and that thought actually bothers you, then, well, prepared to be bothered.
Teller is prone to bold sweeping proclamations. One thing he likes doing is giving simple prescriptions to problems without acknowledging the factors and tradeoffs. “Old code that isn't shitty was over-engineered the first time around,” he says, but I expect he'd change his tune if asked to build a gas leak sensor. A common pattern comes in him attacking a common oversimplified, wrong belief by presenting a similarly oversimplified, less-wrong belief. He counters the fallacy of engineers always selling great new features, but commits the opposite fallacy of assuming all buyers have the same profile (the Merril-Reid model is popular for this). He counters the thing about CS degrees being useless compared to software engineering classes, but he makes the opposite fallacy of invoking magical thinking about how it's helpful, as opposed to a gears-level model. In each of these cases, I don't know if he actually believes the simplified version, or he's just saying it to sound cool.
But occasional details lead me to believe that he is knowingly oversimplifying. For instance, one third of the way through, in “Tech Debt is a Tool,” he boldly proclaims without qualification that tech debt is a secret weapon that lets teams go faster. But all the examples are not tech debt but rather examples of not implementing unnecessary features, and I'm left wondering if he knows what tech debt is. Hundreds of pages later, in “When do you fix tech debt,” he tells a story of a time when attempted tech debt turned out worse than a payday loan, and I see that he clearly does. Overall, I enjoyed the book more when I stopped thinking of Teller as an advice-giver and instead looked at him as a motivational speaker.
In that regard, Teller is like an anti-Dan-Luu. They both write about being successful inside a larger software organization. But if they were both writers for the same business, Teller would be writing the marketing copy, while Luu would be writing the S-1. For instance, Luu's Big companies v. startups is full of calculations of compensation and specific stories from different companies, while Teller's “Should You Work at a Startup” essay gives a few generic complaints that people might experience — and is shorter than just the footnotes of Luu's post. Teller's “Why engineers are worth so much” explains that engineers can produce products worth a lot of money in short time, while Luu's “Why are programmers well paid” discusses multiple competing explanations based on productivity and hiring markets. Also, Luu's piece is over four times longer than Teller's, and is actually the appendix to a greater article. You can play a game of, for each Teller essay, finding a Dan Luu post discussing the same thing with a deeper analysis. The caveat though is that the longest Dan Luu post is the same length as the entire book.
Did I learn a lot about being a software engineer? No. Did I have fun? Yeah. But hey, it's a plane read. So, really, my only complaint is that it didn't last the whole ride.
Overall status: Not recommended
The Senior Mindset is fun but trite. If you skip it, then you're not missing out. But it's short, so, whatever thing you're not doing by spending the time to read it, you're also not missing out.
I personally have a lot to learn from Swizec. He's been a successful influencer and has a mailing list with 10x more readers than I. In fact, I've already started working down his recommendations for books and videos, and even contacted the editor he recommends. And I think people new to the Valley or industry can learn a lot from him, but it's not clear how much others have to learn from him.
In short, The Senior Mindset is popcorn. It's light, fluffy — and it even has some nutrition.
Quotes from The Senior Mindset:
Congratulations, you just became Lead Engineer on a project. You're nobody's boss and it's your fault when something goes wrong.
As the old proverb from the Balkans says: Budala pamti, pametan piše. The fool remembers, the clever one writes.
Trust is best built by not fucking up.
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